Em entrevista publicada ontem, Sébastien Izambard e sua mulher Renée Murphy falam ao público do drama que viveram durante as gestações dos filhos gêmeos – Luca e Rose – e do terceiro filho – Jude, que foram muito complicadas e com risco de vida para a mãe e os bebês. Durante a primeira gravidez, Renée foi internada. Os gêmeos nasceram prematuros, com baixo peso e ficaram hospitalizados. Na segunda, o bebê nasceu no tempo certo, mas quase morreu.

Sébastien esclareceu um fato bem conhecido pelos fãs: o dia em que chorou no palco. Isto ocorreu na ocasião em que Renée sofreu um aborto, antes de ficar grávida dos gêmeos.  Sébastien disse : “Queria chorar o show inteiro. Tive dificuldade de fazer uma cara bonita na frente do público. Queria partir e me esconder, mas estava muito exposto”.

Sébastien também revelou que, por causa das complicações que Renée teve durante a gravidez, shows do Il Divo no Japão foram cancelados. Ele disse que foi difícil para o grupo entender que ele também estava “grávido” e não culpa os companheiros por isto.

A entrevista traz uma foto recente do casal, fotografado sentado na escada da porta de entrada de sua casa. Renné chama atenção pelo visual: saia vermelha plissada e sandálias de salto alto na mesma cor com detalhes coloridos, deixando à mostra uma tatuagem no dorso do pé esquerdo.

A matéria traz também uma foto dos filhos gêmeos do casal, quando tinham poucos meses de vida.

As crianças estão saudáveis e os pais, orgulhosos!

Parabéns, senhor e senhora Izambard. Vocês são guerreiros!!!

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2037894/We-risked-death-parents-Il-Divo-singer-S-bastien-Izambard-wife-Renee-tell-traumatic-births-children.html#ixzz1YGiFzml8

We risked death to become parents: Il Divo singer Sébastien Izambard and his wife Renee tell of the traumatic births of their children

 By Chrissy Iley

Last updated at 1:05 AM on 18th September 2011


The day before I meet Sébastien Izambard, I watch him sing with the rest of Il Divo to a packed London Coliseum.

The three other members of the opera group, who have sold more than 26 million albums worldwide, joke and flirt and have underwear thrown at them by an audience of near-hysterical women.

Sébastien, 38, devotes a song to his wife Renee and gives thanks for becoming a father. There is a hush on stage as he says how much it means to him because he ‘almost lost all of them’.

Proud parents: Despite problems conceiving and during the pregnancy which could have even led to death, Il Divo singer Sebsastien Izambard and his wife Renne now have three 'amazing' childrenProud parents: Despite problems conceiving and during the pregnancy which could have even led to death, Il Divo singer Sebsastien Izambard and his wife Renne now have three ‘amazing’ children

Indeed, Renee suffered not just one but two difficult pregnancies, battling a host of health problems. The first culminated in their elder children, twins Luca and Rose, now four, being born three months prematurely by emergency caesarean. For weeks it was not known whether the tiny babies would survive. And during her second labour, with their son Jude, now two, Renee came close to death herself.

When we meet in a London restaurant near their home, Sébastien rarely lets go of his wife’s hand. Renee, a vibrant 33-year-old Australian, worked as a publicist for Il Divo’s record company (the band was created by Simon Cowell, and they are signed to his label Syco) when they met seven years ago.

Both wanted to start a family as soon as possible – but soon found there were obstacles. ‘I have polycystic ovary syndrome, where fluid-filled cysts develop in the ovaries meaning you don’t produce a lot of eggs,’ says Renee. ‘And Seb .  .  .’

‘And I have slow-swimming sperm,’ he says with unabashed honesty.
Renee continues: ‘So I had fertility treatment for six months, taking daily tablets and having injections of hormone-stimulating drugs.’

In 2005, Renee discovered she was pregnant. ‘We were so excited,’ she says. ‘Then, two days before Il Divo were set to perform at Wembley Arena, I lost the baby. It was devastating.’ 


At Renee’s insistence, Sébastien went on stage as planned. ‘I wanted to cry the whole show. It was difficult to put on a bright face in front of the crowd. I wanted to go and hide myself but I was so exposed,’ he says.

So when Renee became pregnant again with twins four years ago, the couple were ecstatic. But she soon realised, once again, that something was terribly wrong. ‘It started with awful headaches and I was diagnosed with a condition called pre-eclampsia, which is basically dangerously high blood pressure,’ she says.

Cute: Twins Luca and Rose weighed just 3lbs each at birth, which took place just 24 weeks into the pregnancy after Renee was diagnosed with pre-eclampsiaCute: Twins Luca and Rose weighed just 3lbs each at birth, which took place just 24 weeks into the pregnancy after Renee was diagnosed with pre-eclampsia

Renee fell ill while the couple were visiting Sébastien’s family in France, and, deemed unfit to travel by doctors, remained there for the rest of the pregnancy. ‘I was hospitalised at 17 weeks and spent seven weeks there until the babies were born. I was in a British hospital in France but I got too sick and they didn’t have a specialised neo-natal unit. I ended up outside Paris in Port-Royal-des-Champs maternity hospital.’

Sébastien says: ‘It was very difficult. My wife is number one in my life and we had a tour in Japan. I said to the guys [Carlos Marín, Urs Bühler and David Miller], ‘‘I can’t do it.’’ They were not very understanding but I can’t blame them. We had to cancel the tour. Eventually they understood. All of a sudden “we” were pregnant and having difficulties. I thought I was losing my wife and children.’

‘I wanted to cry the whole show. It was difficult to put on a bright face in front of the crowd. I wanted to go and hide myself but I was so exposed.’

Pre-eclampsia affects up to ten per cent of first-time pregnancies, with severe cases (about two in every 100) requiring hospitalisation. It is the most common reason for death in pregnant women. The cause is still not known, and the majority of cases occur in the third trimester.

In the early stages, the condition is symptomless and detectable only by regular checks on the mother’s blood pressure and urine. At its worst, it can cause damage to the liver, kidneys, lungs and heart.

Treatment of severe pre-eclampsia is a balancing act – continuing the pregnancy can lead to life-threatening complications for the mother, so induced labour or an emergency caesarean is usually necessary. Yet born too early, the baby may not survive.

‘My blood pressure was rising and I developed a pulmonary oedema, which is fluid on your lungs, so I was put into intensive care,’ says Renee. ‘It was terrifying as it was difficult to breathe.’

Clive Spence-Jones, consultant gynaecologist and obstetrician at London’s Whittington Hospital, explains: ‘Fluid in the capillaries in the lungs leaks into the spaces normally filled with air, and patients become very short of breath.’

Renee says: ‘Every bit of fight in me said one more day – the aim was to get me to 27 weeks, which would give the babies a real chance. It’s quite difficult to describe the feeling – you feel horrible, and towards the end I didn’t feel anything. I looked at Seb coming in every day and he was exhausted. I could see the stress it was putting him through.’


Eventually, Renee was put on a ventilator to assist her breathing. At 24 weeks, doctors decided they could wait no longer.

‘I woke in the middle of the night and felt I couldn’t breathe, but I thought maybe it was the babies pushing on me. I waited a bit longer, gasping as I couldn’t breathe. They took my blood pressure in the morning and the doctor raced in and said, “We’ve got to get the babies out now.” I asked if we could keep them in a little bit longer, just one more day. But the doctor said, “You will not be alive tomorrow.” ’

Luca and Rose each weighed about 3lb at birth. ‘They looked like little sparrows,’ says Renee. ‘I felt guilty that I couldn’t keep them in longer.

There they were with tubes to help them breathe, all that machinery, all those beeps. And it was because I couldn’t keep them in.’

Sébastien says: ‘After four days we could hold them, but with all the cables you had to be careful.’

The babies were in hospital for just over six weeks and, despite a number of infections, when they came home they weighed a healthy 5lb. ‘We were so happy, but after that experience we weren’t planning to have another baby,’ says Sébastien. ‘I did not want Renee to go through that again. I had almost lost her and I couldn’t take that risk.’

Worldwide appeal: Sébastien, second right, with his Il Divo bandmatesWorldwide appeal: Sébastien, second right, with his Il Divo bandmates

So it came as a shock when Renee discovered she was pregnant two years later. ‘Initially it was a panic for both of us because we were unsure how the pregnancy would go,’ she says.

There is a 40 per cent chance of pre-eclampsia recurring if the mother suffered from it during a previous pregnancy. This time, though, Renee’s blood pressure remained normal. Instead, she developed an unrelated but equally distressing condition known as hyperemesis, or severe vomiting during pregnancy.

‘It wasn’t just for the first three months,’ recalls Renee. ‘It was constant, up to 40 to 50 times a day until I would vomit blood. I was suffering from malnutrition and dehydration. So I was hospitalised again.’

Hyperemesis is more common in multiple pregnancies and in those where there is an abnormality with the placenta. Sébastien says: ‘They thought she might have an ulcer. She tried every medication. She was fainting almost all the time.’

Renee continues: ‘I was put on a drip to rehydrate me. Perhaps I was sick because I had a deep fear of getting pre-eclampsia again. Again they don’t know what causes this. The hospital food [at Queen Charlotte Hospital, West London] was fantastic but I still couldn’t eat anything.’

‘The doctor said: “We’ve got to get the babies out now.” I asked if we could keep them in a little bit longer, just one more day. But the doctor said, “You will not be alive tomorrow.”‘

This time, Renee carried the baby to full term but during labour she suffered placental abruption. The condition, which affects one in 200 pregnancies, occurs when, for reasons unknown, the placenta separates from the womb lining before birth. This can cause life-threatening bleeding and it is one of the most common causes of stillbirth.

‘After a day and a half of labour her waters broke, then the midwife pressed a buzzer and we had ten people coming into the room,’ says Sébastien. ‘The baby’s heart had stopped beating completely. Renee was in an oxygen mask. They took us straight to theatre. When Jude came out, he didn’t breathe. I said to Renee, “He’s OK,” even though I knew he was not OK.’

Renee says: ‘Seb was holding me down because I was shaking so much. And because of the sheet they put up, you couldn’t really see Jude when they took him out, but there was silence in the room, which is horrendous. Seb kept saying he was OK but I knew something was wrong.’

Sébastien says: ‘Then we heard him cry. It came from deep in his lungs.’
‘It was the most overwhelming rlief,’ says Renee. ‘You are in this silent room. They are stitching me back together. I am paralysed from the chest down [from the epidural, an anaesthetic injected into the spine to ease labour pain]. You can’t get up and see. You are waiting for that first breath, and when it came it was the best I have ever felt.’

Jude weighed almost 9lb, three times the size of the twins. ‘We had a very happy, smiley baby,’ says Sébastien. ‘To see your loved one going through all of this has been extremely difficult. Renee, all I can say is I’m really proud of you.’

Tears are streaming from his eyes. ‘It’s been very difficult but it pulled us closer together. We have risked death to be parents.’

Would they do it again? They aren’t sure. Renee says: ‘I think we’re programmed to forget the trauma of childbirth, otherwise women would never do it more than once. After the horror of my pregnancies, we have these amazing babies.’

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-2037894/We-risked-death-parents-Il-Divo-singer-S-bastien-Izambard-wife-Renee-tell-traumatic-births-children.html#ixzz1YGb4pT7D


Il Divo


42 466 € pour les actions d’AMTM grâce à Sébastien !
 Sébastien Izambard, est un fervent ambassadeur d’AMTM, il est l’un des 4 membres du groupe international de pop lyrique IL DIVO.

Ventes aux enchères d’effets personnels, places à gagner pour ses concerts, il nous soutient depuis 2005 au travers d’actions aussi originales que sympathiques. 

Merci également à l’ensemble groupe Il Divo et son équipe, et à tous les fans qui nous aident (notamment par des dons en ligne), et en particulier :

  • Les modérateurs du forum officiel d’Il Divo (Jill et toute l’équipe),
  • La Celebrazione, notamment Janey, pour leur générosité avec deux dons de 2 420 € et 3 560 € et des caisses de jouets pour les enfants (photo ci-dessous),
  • BAD, les Bay Area Divas de San Francisco (USA) avec quatre dons de 374 €, 586 €, 500 € et 1566 €, ainsi que l’achat aux enchères sur Ebay de 2 T-Shirts dédicacés par Sébastien, pour 325 € chacun.
  • Emma, administratrice du site Le piace Il Divo ? au Japon avec deux dons de 1 000 € et 600 €,
  • Les Blue Angel du Texas (USA), notamment Terri, avec un don de 1 150 €,
  • Les Dutch Divas (Jolande et toute l’équipe en Hollande), avec l’organisation d’une vente aux enchères qui a rapportée 1000 €,
  • Tous les membres des forums Il Divo qui ont participé aux DIVOLYMPICS et en particulier : ameslouise, FineWines, Jackie228, Laurene, Oktobersky, wendy. 1000 $ ont été récoltés grâce au temps qu’elles ont bien voulu donner pour AMTM,
  • Tous les participants de DivoMania en Belgique et en particulier Lindsay (membre du site IlDivo.be) qui ont rassemblé 700 € et nous ont donné de nombreux sacs de jouets pour les enfants,
  • La French Team (Cécile, Florence et toute l’équipe)…
  • Sébastien Izambard annonce le départ de la mission Népal d’Avril 2010Toujours disponible pour aider l’association, Sébastien a pris le temps d’enregistrer au Siège d’AMTM un message destiné à annoncer le départ de la mission d’Avril 2010 au Népal.

    Cette vidéo est accessible sur YouTube et a déjà été visualisée par plusieurs milliers de fans d’Il Divo !

    Merci encore à Sébastien pour sa gentillesse et son implication de tous les instants.


Music & Festivals


Il Divo
Time Out chats with Il Divo’s Sebastien Izambard in London as they prepare to hit Beiteddinne next month.

French singer Sebastien Izambard is one quarter of Il Divo, the acclaimed, multinational and globe-trotting opera-pop combo created by impresario Simon Cowell in 2004. With more than 150 gold and platinum discs in 33 countries, the group have conquered hearts and charts around the world. Now, they’re coming to Lebanon as part of the Beitedinne Festival. We caught up with Izambard to find out about his music, melodies, pre-performance massages – and why Il Divo isn’t a boy band. 

You’re famously connected with Simon Cowell. Is this a good or bad thing?
It’s a great thing: Simon has opened doors for us in a fantastic way, very much quicker than we could have opened them for ourselves. At the same time, Il Divo wouldn’t have lasted if we didn’t work really hard ourselves as artists. Sometimes, the connection can take away credibility about what kind of artist you are, because of reality shows and things that are made quickly and then disappear. But we’ve been together for six years now and we’ve been successful. We’ve always wanted to go beyond the chance that he gave us, and we’ve managed to show everyone that it’s not just the ‘Simon factor’ that’s allowed us to make it through. 

What do you believe each member brings to the group?
Our different personalities – that’s for sure. David (Miller) – being American – he’s very representative of his country in what he thinks. The same goes for me, being French – although I’m not too arrogant! Urs (Bühler) has a very Swiss way of thinking – everything has to be very tight and organised. And Carlos (Marin) is like the fire of the group, the fuego as they say in Spanish. When he sings, it has to be loud, sometimes very emotional – and his personality shows really well on the records. We bring who we are to the group, and that’s a complex thing with our different backgrounds and countries. 

Do you think the kind of boy band image you’ve been given detracts from your talent in any way?
Erm… we’re not really a boy band: we’re all in our thirties. We’re definitely a band, though. Really, I don’t really have a problem with what people want to call us. We’re trying to achieve good music – music that’s accessible to all kinds of people who don’t necessarily know much about opera but enjoy voices, you know? People often think we sing opera but we don’t – we sing pop songs in an operatic way. 

Your singles seem to have been a mixture of soundtrack numbers and Abba songs. Who chooses them for you?
We sit down with our record company and Simon and a list of songs, and we brainstorm. Then, we try the list we’ve chosen in the studio, and decide what works best. We’re not told: ‘this is what you’re going to sing; now shut up and do it’ – it’s teamwork. 

What was the first live concert you ever attended?
David Bowie, when I was five. My mum took me. I can’t remember it, but my first concert could have been worse, eh? I think my first concert of choice was Depeche Mode… 

Do you have any last minute rituals you go through before hitting the stage?
I like to have a massage; it gives you some time to step back a little bit and relax. Very often we shake hands and wish each other luck – but there’s nothing crazy.
Chris Pilbeam 

Jul 8 at Beiteddinne Festival. Tickets (01 999666) LL60,000-LL375,000  

© 2009 Time Out Group Ltd. All rights reserved

 Il Divo’s serious proposal 


  • From: Herald Sun
  • June 05, 2007


The group’s heart-throb, Sebastien Izambard, proposed to Melbourne-born girlfriend Renee Murphy at the weekend.

Frenchman Izambard popped the question after a Deev gig in Brussels, Belgium, on Saturday. 

“It was very romantic,” Murphy told Herald Sun music reporter Cameron Adams. 

“We’d had a conversation ages ago about a perfect romantic moment. I hate cliches. I was saying my perfect romantic moment for something like that would be outside some dodgy pub with a karaoke singer.” 

Izambard was taking notes — busting out the ring outside a pub. 

However, Murphy wasn’t sure if he was legit. 

“When it happened, we were talking about the craziest things we’d like to do,” she said. 

“I just laughed, but he said he was serious. 

“I kept laughing even after he put the ring on my hand. 

“When he had the ring box, I thought it might have been some jewellery a fan had given to him. 

“Then when he said, ‘I want you to be my wife’, I realised he was serious.” 

The pair met in 2005 when Murphy was working as a publicist at Il Divo’s record company during an Australian tour. 

She quit her job and moved to Paris last July. 

Izambard has been carrying the ring around with him since December, when he found it in a vintage store in Ireland, waiting for the perfect opportunity. 

“I knew she might have been expecting a proposal, so whenever there was an obvious moment I didn’t do it,” Izambard said. 

“We had this beautiful hotel in Venice and that would have been ideal, but it just didn’t feel right until now.” 

The pair, who have just bought a house in London’s trendy Notting Hill, haven’t set a wedding date but expect to marry in either Paris or Italy. 


Sébastien Izambard gravou esta mensagem, recentemente, como patrono da AMTM, para divulgar as ações da organização não governamental sediada na França. Este e o vídeo anterior com a mensagem de Natal podem ser assistidos no YouTube: 


Saiba mais sobre a  Assistance Médicale Toit du Monde (AMTM) no site: 


Foi publicada no site uma foto de Seb, com agradecimentos. 


O vídeo divulga uma missão no Nepal.


Abu Dhabi arts event set for weekend opening
Abu Dhabi: Wed, 17 Mar 2010
Il Divo

International maestros, world premiere performances and globally renowned works will mark a major classical arts event in Abu Dhabi set to open this weekend. 

The seventh edition of Abu Dhabi Festival, organised by the Abu Dhabi Music and Arts Foundation (Admaf), will take place from March 20 to April 7, and will feature 35 events across all seven emirates. 

Events at Abu Dhabi Festival 2010 will include performances in traditional, classical and jazz music, drama, fine arts, and ballet. 

An education programme will involve schools, universities and the general public as they gain insights from leading musicians and artists, while a visual arts exhibition – Middle East Modern Masters – will see a joint collection by two masters of Middle Eastern art – Parviz Tanavoli and Adam Henein. 

“The festival will be a global symphony of cultures,” said Hoda al Khamis Kanoo, founder of Admaf. 

“It will fuse world-class performances from the masters of the arts world with a depth of community spirit. Abu Dhabi is determined to take the lead in cultural understanding and this year we reflect this by pushing boundaries of artistic excellence and creative innovation.” 

Among the highlights will be a performance by The National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra, piano recitals by two young virtuosos, Nobuyuki Tsujii and Yundi Li, the first full opera presented at the festival – La Boheme performed by the Puccini Festival Orchestra, A Night at the Ballet with dancers from the Bolshoi, Mariinsky and American Ballet Theatres, among others. 

Maxim Beloserkovsky, principal dancer American Ballet Theatre, said: “On March 30, my wife, Irina, and I, will share the stage with eight of our dearest friends and esteemed colleagues from the world-famous Bolshoi Theatre and Mariinsky Theatre companies as we present a special programme featuring the jewels of classical ballet.” 

“As artistic director of Night at the Ballet performance I look forward to being in Abu Dhabi.” 

Flash Entertainment is bringing the world famous operatic pop quartet, Il Divo, to the Abu Dhabi Festival this year for an outdoor concert. 

Sebastien Izambard, member of Il Divo, said: “Getting to know other cultures and countries is one of the things we enjoy most about being in Il Divo. So we are particularly looking forward to coming back to the Middle East and to perform in Abu Dhabi for the first time as part of the fantastic Abu Dhabi Festival 2010. As well as some of our most famous hits, you can expect some surprises in our performance.” 

Nine-time Grammy Award winner and an outstanding jazz musician of his generation, Wynton Marsalis, will be making his Middle East debut at the Festival. 

“The core requirements for jazz are creativity, communication and community, and it seems to me that these values are expressed wholeheartedly by the Abu Dhabi Festival,” he said. – TradeArabia News  


















Parabéns a Sébastien e ao Il Divo pela iniciativa de apoiar esta instituição humanitária. 










Não tenho como não registrar este álbum de fotos aqui. Elas deixaram claro p o público q Seb estava namorando sério. As fotos fazem parte de um catálogo de fotógrafos profissionais e ao que parece, a publicãção foi autorizada pelo casal.
Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and girlfriend Renee Murphy
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Sebastien Izambard of ll Divo and Girlfriend Renee Murphy Sighting in Sydney – February 11, 200 …
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Sébastien, Le Petit Prince

Na letra da música do CD A Promessa, ele canta : Soy tu príncipe azul. Angel del cielo. No hay más que temer …”
Dono de lindos olhos verdes arredondados e expressivos, postura garbosa, sem resquícios de afetação presunçosa e arrogância, é nobre nos seus sentimentos. A sensibilidade é sua marca pessoal, fato que é notoriamente enfatizado pelos companheiros de grupo. Como fã, confesso que tenho um fetiche por um “defeitinho” (?!), a pequena abertura nos dentes da frente, tecnicamente chamada de diastema. Também adoro suas bochechas, levemente rosadas. E não é só a beleza física. Ele canta, encanta e enfeitiça!



Sébastien Izambard (Paris, 7 de março de 1973) é cantor e compositor francês. Atualmente é integrante do mundialmente consagrado grupo Il Divo.

Filho único de uma família parisiense Sébastien Izambard aprendeu a tocar piano com a idade de 8 anos, guitarra aos 13 e compor com 15, sendo totalmente autodidata. Apesar da tenra dedicação a música Sébastien Izambard sempre sonhou ser piloto de avião. Devido a um problema de acuidade visual ele teve que abandonar esse sonho e decidiu se dedicar a sua grande paixão: a música. Compôs músicas para alguns cantores franceses, mas somente aos 27 anos gravou seu primeiro álbum como cantor profissional dando início à sua carreira. 



  • Libre (2000)
  • J´t´veux (2000)


  • Libre (2000)
  • Noël Ensemble (2000)
  • Petit Prince (2002)


  • Petit Prince (2002)

Libre e Sigles

Antes de integrar o grupo Il Divo Sébastien Izambard teve carreira solo como cantor popular na França e Canadá, na qual lançou dois singles e um álbum denominado “Libre”. 

Os dois sigle são: Libre, com as músicas “Libre”, “Danse” e “Libre (radio edit)”, e J’t’en veux com a música “J’t’en veux” (radio edit) e J’t’en veux. 

O álbum é composto pelas seguintes canções: 

  • 1. Echec à la dame (Letra: Fab Fab e V.Baguian / Música : Sébastien Izambard & Lionel Tridon)
  • 2. Libre (Letra: Lionel Florence / Música: Sébastien Izambard)
  • 3. Même si vivre (Letra: Lionel Florence / Música: Sébastien Izambard e Lionel Tridon)
  • 4. Un coin d’enfance (Letra: Lionel Florence / Música: Sébastien Izambard)
  • 5. J’t’en veux (Letra: Lionel Florence / Música: Sébastien Izambard)
  • 6. Si tu savais (Letra: Lionel Florence / Música: Sébastien Izambard)
  • 7. Loin d’hier (Letra: Christophe Bardy / Música: Sébastien Izambard)
  • 8. C’est un mystère (Letra: Christophe Bardy / Música: J-P Taïeb)
  • 9. Danse (Letra: Christophe Bardy / Música: Sébastien Izambard e Lionel Tridon)
  • 10. Dangereuse (Letra: Fab Fab / Música: Sébastien Izambard e L.Tridon)
  • 11. Dis-le quand même (Letra: Lionel Florence / Música: Sébastien Izambard)

Nesse álbum Sébastien Izambard apresenta canções com sutis influências de diversos cantores que vão de Souchon à Brel passando ainda por Garbage e Radiohead. Foram sucessos desse álbum: ‘Libre’, ‘Echec à la dame’, ‘Même si vivre’ e ‘Loin d’hier’. Com esse álbum Sébastien Izambard gravou também o videoclipe com a música-título Libre. 

Também em carreira solo Sébastien Izambard abriu no ano 2000 o show de Johnny Hallyday no Olympia em Paris

Além das músicas supracitadas, Sébastien Izambard possui outras quatro músicas gravadas não-oficiais: 

  • Au nom de quel amour
  • Lachê toi
  • L’ombre d’une femme
  • Tant que tu n’es pas la

Noël Ensemble

No ano de 2000 Sébastien Izambard participou com outros 100 artistas, sob a direção de Pascal Obispo, da gravação de um videoclipe e álbum para a campanha “Noël Ensemble” em prol da associação ” Sidaction – Ensemble contre le SIDA” (http://www.sidaction.org). 

O Pequeno Príncipe 

Em 2002 Sébastien Izambard participou, como integrante do grupo teatral La troupe, do espetáculo musical “O Pequeno Príncipe” de Richard Cocciante, baseado na obra “O Pequeno Princípe” de Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Sébastien Izambard interpretou Le Bunismen ao lado de Jeff Tetedoie (o pequeno pricipe). 

A partir desse musical foram gravados um álbum duplo e um dvd do musical. 


Sébastien Izambard é também padrinho da organização Assistance Médicale Toit du Monde (http://www.amtm.org/en/index.htm). Sébastien Izambard promove algumas iniciativas como leilão de ingressos e objeto pessoal para reverter fundos para a organização. 

 Il Divo

Sébastien Izambard trabalhava em seu segundo álbum solo com Francis Madjouli e Lionel Florence quando decidiu participar do grupo Il Divo. Sébastien Izambard é o único membro do grupo que não possui formação clássica, tendo sua voz classificada como vox populi, ou voz popular. O grupo idealizado pelo produtor musical Simon Cowell (Inglaterra, 7 de Outubro de 1959) é composto pelo o tenor suíço Urs Bühler (Suíça, 19 de Julho de 1971), o tenor americano David Miller (EUA, 14 de Abril de 1973) e o barítono espanhol Carlos Marin (Alemanha, 13 de outubro de 1968). 

Origem: Wikipédia, a enciclopédia livre.

4 pensamentos sobre “SÉBASTIEN IZAMBARD

  1. I admire all your hard work in creating this biography of our Seb 🙂 No mean feat!

    Anyone who did not know his background before will most certainly do so now!

    I was sent the Libre album from a British friend in London in 2006 🙂


    • First of all, I have to say you’re popping into your blog. The articles are fantastic. Congratulations,
      As for Seb, he has a respectable musical background. He is a composer, and an excellent singer. Despite not having a training as an operatic tenor, he is a singer with an unusual and distinctive vocal register, and in this sense, is equal to the other divos.

    • Carla,

      Este blogue tem um conteúdo destinado aos fãs e também ao público em geral.
      Fico feliz de saber que você conheceu Il Divo por meio deste espaço.
      Um abraço.

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